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Google Maps Application For Mac

pertordifmo1972 2020. 8. 30. 12:36

Download Google Earth in Apple App Store Download Google Earth in Google Play Store Launch Earth in Chrome Learn more. Create maps with advanced tools on PC, Mac, or Linux.


Google Maps App For Mac

Google maps for mac laptop

Google Maps Application For Htc

I finally figured out the crashing problem I've been having with Google Earth for so long. Should have thought of it sooner. Duh. I used CleanApp to uninstall Google Earth. There weren't so very many files to remove, but one of them, at least, was probably corrupt; .plist and cache files being not uncommon sources of trouble. Anyway, after deleting those files I installed Google Earth Pro 7.3.0 and, lo and behold, it runs without crashing—at least so far. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.FYI, in case you don't have an uninstaller like CleanApp, the files I removed were the Google Earth app from my Applications folder, the com.Google.GoogleEarth file from my user/Library/Caches folder and the com.Google.GoogleEarth.plist file from my user/Library/Preferences folder. You may also have a com.Google.GoogleEarth.savedState file in the Saved Application State folder in your user folder. Hope this works for others who have been experiencing the same trouble I was having.Now that Google Earth is working again I'll risk a five star rating, as the program is running again and the photos of my location seem to have been updated in the last year or so. And since the problem I was having was not, after all, Google's fault but a result of my inadequate troubleshooting. Sometimes, you know, I just can't be bothered. Other times....